Monday, June 15, 2009

I dont agree with hardly anything from Obama. Dont know all the aspects of his plan for nationalized healthcare. Everyone agrees that something needs to be done. Maybe nationalizing would be good for now. Everyone always tries to talk about the horror stories of it. Well, I personally have more horror stories with paid/insured healthcare than I do with nationalized. I currently live in Italy for the last 2 years, but I have been covered under their system for 12 years now due to being married to an Italian. There, for VERY VERY low co-payment, 36euro each visit, I have had 2 MRI's, many x-rays. My wife has had major emergency surgery. Her op costed us a grand total of 36 euro out of pocket. If we wanted to, for faster service, we could go to a specialy clinic and pay to have (whatever) done right away. Yes, a portion of our taxes got to paying for it, 4%, whoa big deal. In the US, I was paying $1500 mth for HMO/PPO healthcare, had an MRI and still had to pay out of pocket $500. One of my wifes pregnancies was not covered because I got laid off for 40 days (lapse in employment, pre-existing condition) so they labeled it as pre-existing so we do not pay. The company I worked for changes insurance providers and my old doctor is notunder their system so we can not use him any longer. And so on....

I mean, the only problem I can see with the nationalized system is the government that will be running it.